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3+ Years

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Unlocking the Future of Safety: Protect and Thrive with ISPON

The Institute of Safety Professionals of Nigeria (ISPON) is the foremost organization for safety practitioners in Nigeria. Committed to excellence, we actively promote and advance the highest safety standards, fostering a culture of prevention, protection, and well-being across all sectors of the Nigerian economy.

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services We offer

At ISPON, we pride ourselves on being the foremost authority and advocate for safety, health, and environmental (SHE) excellence in Nigeria, ensuring a safe and healthy working environment for all.

Promoting National Safety Consciousness

ISPON works to raise awareness about safety issues in Nigeria through various campaigns and initiatives.

Regulating the Practice of Safety Management

The institute sets standards and guidelines for safety practices in various industries.

Training and Certifying Safety Professionals

ISPON offers training programs and certifications for individuals seeking to become safety professionals.

Conducting Research and Development

ISPON conducts research on safety-related topics and develops new safety management techniques.

Collaborating with Government Agencies

ISPON works with government agencies to implement safety policies and regulations.

Conduct Safety Audits and Inspections

ISPON conducts safety audits and inspections to ensure workplace safety and compliance with regulations.

Objectives of the Institution

Professional Training


To organize and deliver high-quality professional training programs in various aspects of safety management. This may include courses, workshops, seminars, and certifications.

Government Collaboration


To collaborate with relevant government agencies and industry stakeholders to establish and maintain professional standards of practice for safety professionals.

Promote Growth


To undertake all necessary actions to promote the growth and development of the safety profession within both the public and private sectors.

Public Awareness


To define the necessary knowledge, skills, and competencies that individuals must possess to qualify for registration and practice as safety professionals.

Continuous Improvement


To continually review and improve these standards to ensure they reflect the evolving needs of the safety profession and industry best practices.

Advocate for Safety


Advocate for improved safety regulations, raising public awareness about safety issues, and fostering a culture of safety within organizations.


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NGOs donate food, clothes, others to Lagos community

Non-governmental organisations, Sheinspires Global Empowerment Initiative, and Life Touchers Africa Network, in collaboration with Ijaysworld Creatives, have donated 150 food packs and over 2,000 pieces of clothing, shoes,

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Tipper fails brake, kills pedestrian in Lagos

The Lagos State Traffic Management Authority (LASTMA) says a Howo tipper had a brake failure, veered off its path, and instantly killed a pedestrian on Tuesday.

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UNIZIK lecturer shot dead in Anambra carjacking attempt

Osita was killed at about 7:30p.m. on Monday, December 16, 2024, near the high-tension area of Aroma in Awka, while driving home from work. His assailants also took away his vehicle.

Bertram Nwannekanma
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Nigerian NGO
NGOs donate food, clothes, others to Lagos community

Non-governmental organisations, Sheinspires Global Empowerment Initiative, and Life Touchers Africa Network, in collaboration with Ijaysworld Creatives, have donated 150 food packs and over 2,000 pieces of clothing, shoes,

Vasha Gueye
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Auto Accident
Tipper fails brake, kills pedestrian in Lagos

The Lagos State Traffic Management Authority (LASTMA) says a Howo tipper had a brake failure, veered off its path, and instantly killed a pedestrian on Tuesday.

Abhivibha Kanmani
blog Images
UNIZIK lecturer shot dead in Anambra carjacking attempt

Osita was killed at about 7:30p.m. on Monday, December 16, 2024, near the high-tension area of Aroma in Awka, while driving home from work. His assailants also took away his vehicle.

Bertram Nwannekanma

Frequently Asked questions

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The Institute of Safety Professionals of Nigeria (ISPON) is a technical arm of the National Industrial Safety Council of Nigeria (NISCN) which is a tripartite organization comprising (The governments, Employers, and Labour) established by the Federal Government of Nigeria in 1964 to monitor industries/factories activities to ensure Safety of people and advise on the need for legislation. The Institute’s members are drawn from various sectors of our economy including the government agencies and construction industries. Corporate organizations are also admitted as members.

The Institute was inaugurated in August 1980 as The Nigerian Society of Safety Professionals (NSSP) during the annual conference of the National Industrial Safety Council of Nigeria (NISCN) as an offspring and professional technical arm of the NISCN – a tripartite body comprising the Governments of the Federation (represented by Director of Factories, Federal Ministry of Labour & Productivity, State Governments), Employers (represented by the Nigerian Employers’ Consultative Association) and Labour ( represented by the Nigerian Labour Congress) and set up by the Federal Government to prevent Industrial accidents and promote occupational health and welfare in industrial establishments.

NISP was registered as a corporate body under the land (Perpetual Succession) Act. Cap. 98. A certificate of incorporation of the Registered trustees of NSSP no. 2320 dated on the 8th day of April 1983 was issued by the Hon. Minister, Federal Ministry of Internal Affairs. In 1989, at the annual conference/seminar held at Durbar Hotels, Lagos, a motion was moved and adopted for the change of name from Nigerian Society of Safety Professionals (NSSP) to Nigerian Institute of Safety Professional (NISP) and now Institute of Safety Professionals of Nigeria (ISPON). Thereafter, the institute was incorporated under the Companies and Allied Matters Act, 1990 with Registration no. RC481109.

The Institute of Safety Professionals of Nigeria, as the technical arm of the National Industrial Safety Council of Nigeria (NISCN), has the mandate to promote, regulate, standardize, train, certify, and maintain ethics in safety. The Institute’s major policy thrust is the nurture and development of dynamic, effective and efficient safety services and practices in Nigeria through training, examination, certification, recognition, supervision, and discipline of safety personnel and organizations. It is also the Institute’s mission to constantly research and review current safety standards, principles, organizations, and methods in collaboration with similar international bodies to provide relevant solutions to prevailing occupational safety, health, and environmental problems in Nigeria.

To provide a central organisation for Safety Professionals in Nigeria and generally to do such things as may from time be necessary to maintain a strict standard of professional ethics amongst its members and to advance the interest of safety management/engineering profession in Nigeria. To promote, protect, encourage and maintain a high standard of Safety Management/Engineering study and practice and encourage greater efficiency. To represent to the Government in Nigeria the views of the Institute on any subject of concern or interest to Safety Management/Engineering in Nigeria and if considered advisable to join with other bodies in submitting such representation. To represent to any other individual or bodies or organisation the views of the Institute on any subject on which the views of the institute may be invited. To provide a body to which the government or other authority or organisation in nigeria can have recourse for advice, assistance or the expression of views on any subjects of concern or interest to Nigeria. To facilitate the development & acquisition of technology by conducting visits to places of Safety Management/Engineering interest, reading technical papers, holding meetings, conferences, seminars, publishing books, journals and periodicals on safety management/engineering matters. To subscribe or guarantee or otherwise use monies of the institute for charitable or benevolent objects or scholarship or bursaries or for any exhibitions for any public, general or useful objects. To provide for the training and examination of students in safety management/engineering as well as the continuing professional update and development of its members. To promote and pursue research in safety science and practice with particular reference to local conditions. To study and resolve professional problems confronting its members. To nominate any member or members as arbitrators, panelist, investigators, auditors, expert witnesses or specialist advisers whenever called upon to do so. To assist needing members and any of the dependant kindred of deceased members, including the widows or widowers of members, and to appoint treasurer and distributor of the benevolent fund or funds which may be contributed by members or others for these purposes or any of them, and subject to the provisions prohibiting payments being made to members, to make any contributions out of the surplus assets or income of the institute from time to time to any benevolent fund or funds. To purchase, hold, lease, let, mortgage, sell, improve or otherwise acquire and dispose of any moveable or immoveable property, any rights or privileges, which may be necessary or convenient for the advancement of any of the object of the institute. To invest and deal with the monies of the institute immediately required in any manner. To borrow money where necessary to promote any objects set out herein upon such securities as may be determined. To apply or petition for any legislation, parliamentary or otherwise that would further any objects of the institute. To do all or any such lawful things as are incidental or conducive to the attainment of the objects and generally to further the profession of safety management/engineering in nigeria as well as enhance the status of safety professionals in nigeria. Provided that the institute shall not support with its funds and objects nor endeavour to impose on or procure to be observed by its members or others any regulations, restriction or condition which if an object of the institute, would make it a trade union. To maintain and enhance links with National, International and Multinational Organisations and bodies to promote any of the objects of the Institute. To collaborate with industry, commerce, academia and other such national bodies as may be necessary or convenient for the advancement of any of the objects of the institute. To establish training and consultancy board that shal;l render professional services to public and private bodies including individuals who may desire the institute’s advice and service. To promote and enforce a high standard of performance and professional ethics of the institute. To watch over, promote and protect the mutual interest of its members and to give advice to members.

Since inception, ISPON has been publishing a quarterly magazine “Safety Professional” which is distributed freely to all its members and institutions of higher learning. We also produce a bimonthly “Safety newsletter’ The Institute plans and executes local training activities on safety and health. We organize annual professional development conference/seminar where discussions are centered on current trends in occupational Safety and health with a view to improving the skill of participants in reducing Occupational Accidents, Injuries and Diseases. We hold monthly meetings at branches with lectures delivered by our experienced members and knowledge shared. We have signed memorandum of Understanding with the Institution of Occupational Safety and Health (IOSH)- UK. We are affiliated to and have been granted a Charter of the International Association of Safety Professionals (IASP). We are affiliated to the American Society of Safety, Health and Environment (SOITSHA). ISPON is a corporate member of the national Safety Council of America. Built a secretariat in Warri, Delta State. ISPON has landed property in Benin, Edo State, Porthacourt, Rivers state, and another in Abia State.

The Institute is registered with its headquarters in Lagos and it has branches in many states of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. It has a large membership

most of whom are Safety Managers/Officers, Factory Inspectors, occupational hygienists, environmentalists, Engineers, Occupational Health Physicians and Nurses, Economists, Scientists, Fire Engineers and Security Professionals in Governments, Military, Industries and Educational Institutions in Nigeria as well as private safety consultants. We are as at entails at today over 5000 members. Membership entails a duty to serve and protect people, property and environment. Hence our motto ’

’In the service of man’ This duty is to be exercised with integrity, honour and dignity. The Institute offers opportunities to members to advance their knowledge, share expertise and experience, exchange ideas, keep up with new developments and gain recognition for professional achievements. Members can achieve these through our periodical Conferences, seminar symposia and other activities.

The ISPON has two categories of membership namely individual and corporate membership. Individual membership: is open to Safety Professionals, Engineers, Occupational Hygienists, Environmentalists, Medical and Health Practitioners, Ergonomists, Scientists, Fire Engineers and Security Professionals. Admission to individual membership is subject to meeting the specified qualifications, rules, regulations and conditions of the Institute’s constitution and bye-laws. Corporate membership: is open to companies, institutions, societies, organizations and corporate bodies who agree to be subject to the rules and regulations of the Institute in its safety policies, procedures, practices, ethics and standards. Admission to corporate membership is subject to provision of evidence of safety policies, safety training of employees (at least 50%) and report of safety audit of facility

A Register of Members and their accredited representatives (in the case of corporate members) and their addresses are kept and maintained by the Registrar and copies thereof are exhibited at the Registrar’s office during normal business hours. No person shall be deemed to be a member of the Institute unless his name and address have been, and continue to be, entered in the Register of Members. How to Join How to Become a Member of ISPON If you are a health and safety practitioner, work in an associated field or have an interest in health and safety, you can enjoy the benefits of ISPON membership. Firstly you need to download, complete and return the one-page Application Form via post, fax or email to Include an up-to-date copy of your CV. Include copies of any relevant certificates or qualifications. Return completed form and attend monthly general meetings at any of the branches located all over the country. Sit for and pass membership screening examination held in May and November each year. Submit a project paper of your choice in any area of safety management. Include the appropriate fee. Membership fees are shown below. If you are not sure of which level of membership you are applying for, simply send payment for the non-refundable registration fee and we will contact you for the remaining balance once a level has been awarded. The registration fee will processed upon receipt of your application form, this fee is non-refundable. Submit a project paper of your choice in any area of safety management. Register with: N20,000.00 for a three-day preparatory or for membership exam/screening. The seminar is optional. It is also mandatory to attend HSE Courses organized by the Institute periodically

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